Sunday, December 27, 2015

December Update

Christmas is ALL about God sending his son. Right? This year I have had a lot of time to reflect on Christmas…what God intended and yet how secular Christmas has become to the majority of the world. 

We have been blessed to spend time with many of our local friends during this Christmas season. Dan and I were shocked to learn that many of our friends down here have hated the Christmas season for years…most of their life actually. Unlike most of our friends in the States, many of our friends down here have never had Christmas presents.

Earlier this month, one of our friends gave a gift to someone they work with on a regular basis. They put the wrapped present down in front of him. Instantly, this grown man began crying. He said it was the first Christmas gift he had ever received. His instant gratitude…before he even touched the gift or saw what was inside was overwhelming to all.
My prayer is that we will truly remember the reason for this Christmas season as we are cleaning up from all of our celebrations and putting away our gifts. May we really stop for a moment and think about the greatest gift ever given…Jesus…he didn’t have to come down and experience life on Earth but he did! God didn’t have to sacrifice his only son for us but he did out of an abundance of his love for us. I am so thankful that we have such a Good Good Father!

2016 is right around the corner. I can’t believe 2015 is coming to an end. As you are making your resolutions for the year I challenge you to stop and see what God has in store for you. What is he calling you to do this year? I’ve found that it is not always easy to step out in faith but once we make that first step it becomes a lot easier to continue to step forward in faith the next time. Phil. 1:6 “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” 
Join us in prayer that we are really listening to God and what HE is calling us to do in 2016. We know HE has big plans for the next year. He’s calling us to step out in faith once more. I’m encouraged that God uses the weak.

But the Lord said, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.” So I will gladly boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can stay in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
May God continue to bless you in 2016! We love you.

- Karen

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Contacting Us In Costa Rica

Our weekly update is coming soon (probably tonight).  However, Karen and I were able to travel back to Georgia this weekend to visit with family and friends.   Probably the most common question we heard is how do we contact you?   Some of you were sending texts or calling our old cell phones and some were texting our Skype number.   

Here is all our correct contact information:

Our old US cell phone numbers do not exist and will not work while we are in Costa.   Please delete Karen's old cell phone number of 678-920-0162.   My old cell phone (404-428-0134) actually still exists as it is owned by my company but it is not active while Im in Costa Rica.   Please delete it as well.

The best, most reliable way to text us or send us voice chats is WhatsApp.  This is an application that can be loaded to your iPhone or Android phone and is used for texting by pretty much everyone in the world (except the US).   Our WhatsApp profiles are tied to our Costa Rica cell phone numbers.  You will need to enter our Costa Rica cell phones into your contact book in your phone for WhatsApp to see us.

Our Costa Rica cell phone numbers:
Dan - +506 8576 1165
Karen - +506 8576 1181

To dial our numbers from a phone in the US you will need to add the US exit code of 011.  So, for example, if you want to call Karen you would dial 011 506 8576 1181.   Bear in mind that calling us using these phone numbers will be billed at international rates - this is expensive.  Don't do that unless its an emergency.

A better way to call us is to use our Google number - 678-694-7236.   This number will ring our computers and phones in Costa Rica and has a voice mail tied to it.  This number is also a US number and so will not incur international charges.

You can imagine that we stay pretty busy down here.  Please understand that if you call us during the workday we probably will not answer due to our work schedule.   Also, we do ministry most evenings which might prevent us from answering.   Honestly, WhatsApp is the easiest way to contact and converse with us.